Ash is a crested porcupine, who is one of the main characters in Sing. She is voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
Ash is a anthromorphic porcupine with a white long sleeved shirt under her black med-sleeved shirt it is seen she has a red,yellow and green checkered skirt,her guitar is red colored.
Truly a rocker at her heart, Ash's passion for playing rock musics caused conflict between her and her boyfriend Lance although her feelings for him blinded her to his ego. She yearns to make a name for herself and for Lance as true rock stars, which led to her decision to accept her earned place in Buster's singing competition even though Lance didn't make the cut and her decision caused further strife between them.
As a rocker and a teenager, she has her pride and a rebellious streak displayed by her sarcastic wit and a passive-aggressive defiance towards Buster's attempts to make her perform as a "pop princess", and her own ambition to to be a rocker in her own right (which led to her writing her own song Set it All Free).
Alas, Ash's determination, along with her feelings towards him, left her completely shocked to find Lance had cheated on her for another girl named Becky, and after tossing them out of her home, she is left heartbroken as she finally realized how selfish Lance had been in their relationship and how little he'd actually respected her. This affected her emotionally during her next rehearsal, as she broke down in tears while rehearsing 'Call Me, Maybe' until she was cheered up by Rosita and Gunter.
Despite her rocker rebellious image, Ash is not made of stone, shown by her compassion, her support for her friends, and even her forgiveness towards Buster after finding out he lied about the prize money. Alongside the rest of the performers, Ash showed determination in performing and showing the world her passion and spirit, and she finally got her wish after performing her song Set it All Free despite her prickly performance, and she was given a thunderous applause.
Ash is a prickly teenage porcupine with a punk rock attitude. She auditions for the competition with her egotistical, unsupportive jerk of a boyfriend (which eventually cheats on her), unable to see just how much he is holding her back. In rehearsals, her rebellious nature continually puts her at odds with Buster, who envisions her as a pop star princess whereas Ash wants to write her own authentic rock songs that reflect her unique style.
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