Fanon Kingdom Wiki

Robyn Stewart Robyn Stewart 15 March 2024

Roger Rabbit Cinematic Universe

Okay everyone! I have to announce that Roger Rabbit Cinematic Universe came out.

Link here: Roger Rabbit Cinematic Universe

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Robyn Stewart Robyn Stewart 13 March 2024

I Have Now Added With Shared Universes On The Buddy Studios Franchises!

Hey everyone! I have to announce that I will now be added with shared universes on the franchises from Buddy Studios.

Link here: List of Buddy Studios franchises

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IAmThe789Guy IAmThe789Guy 2 July 2023

I fixed the wiki.

No more of those Looney Tunes/Doraemon crossovers. They were a POX infecting the wiki.

They were worse than everything Vladivomembrain made.

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IAmThe789Guy IAmThe789Guy 15 June 2023

What is up with all these Looney Tunes films???

It seems that, since the end of May, there have been a shockingly high amount of fan-made Looney Tunes films on this wiki. I've seen Doraemon crossovers that started it, and now there has been a significant increase in Looney Tunes films.

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LooneyLooneySanti001 LooneyLooneySanti001 17 May 2023

Explosion ACME

Explosion ACME es Un Bloque de Boomerang

  • El Show De Los Looney Tunes
  • New Looney Tunes
  • Doraemon
  • Animania
  • Pinky y Cerebro
  • Pinky Elvira y Cerebro
  • Tiny Toons
  • Los Cuentos de Alrededor del mundo de Bugs Bunny
  • Doodle Style Toons
  • Taz-Mania
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MovieLover9000 MovieLover9000 18 April 2023

Writers Needed for the Larrikins Movie Script

Attention everyone, all users from Fanon Kingdom Wiki, I'm here to announce that one of DreamWorks Animation's canceled films is revived and in redevelopment. This film is called Larrikins. It's about a city-dwelling young boy who leaves his city life to go on a musical adventure in the Australian Outback with a desert-dwelling bilby.

The film will be based on the 2018 short film Bilby, produced by DreamWorks Animation and Di Bonaventura Pictures, and distributed by Universal Pictures. It will be released on February 9, 2024.

Please note that this movie is fanmade. However, I'm looking for some writers to help me with the film's transcript as well as its songs. If you're interested, please reply, and soon, we'll get this started. That's all I …

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IAmThe789Guy IAmThe789Guy 1 January 2023

Happy New Year, friends.

Glad this wiki is back because I don't know what happened to Funvasion. Still, all the admins are back, minus the few that disappeared.

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TigerMario2012 TigerMario2012 3 December 2022

I’m back

Hey wassup it’s TigerMario2012, I am back on this wiki for a minute honestly. I have noticed how most of my ideas were tampered with and i don’t like that but i’m working on fixing them and updating them to be similar to the miraheze counterparts I have.

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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 1 December 2022


I decided to come back to Fandom because Miraheze WAS having a huge problem with the database (like for example, the Db141 error), and Funvasion (which was the place I usually go to since July 2021) has closed over the database error. That means most of my stuff originated from Funvasion have been lost, I may decide to recreate them in Fanon Kingdom ASAP, even though thanks to Wayback Machine, some of my fanon stuff have been recreated. Thanks for reading my quick reminder.

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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 22 November 2022

I have something very important

It's been a while since I left this fanon wiki (yes, it's now known as Fanon Kingdom Wiki), but when I came back to see my fanmade idea articles, some people are kinda messing with my articles while a few others fixed them.

Also, let me get this straight. I'm actually glad Geoshea's stuff is gone and Geo is blocked from the Fanon Kingdom wiki since what he did was very unforgivable.

I may be temporarily back since I'm planning to fix some of my fanmade idea articles in this wiki as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!

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Leonie2306 Leonie2306 2 November 2022

5 Girls in Roger Rabbit's World Voices


Yeardley Smith as Lisa Simpson

Charles Fleischer as Roger Rabbit

Kathleen Turner as Jessica Rabbit

Charles Fleischer as Benny The Car

Charlie Adler as Felix The Cat

Cree Summer as Abigail-Numbuh 5

Lauren Tom as Kuki-Numbuh 3

Erica Huang as June

Natalia Wojck as Annie

David L. Lander as Smart Ass

Charles Fleischer as Psycho

June Foray as Wheezy

Fred Newmann as Stupid

Rob Paulsen as Greasy

Julie Kavner as Marge Simpson

Dan Castellaneta as Homer Simpson

Nancy Cartwright as Bart Simpson

Jesse Schwartz as Leo

Aiden Pompey as Quincy

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Leonie2306 Leonie2306 1 November 2022

Characters Kimi and her Song

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BrownieTheAlien BrownieTheAlien 26 November 2022

Possible Wiki name change

In all honesty, I think the reputation of Ficreation has been ruined because of Geoshea and his heinous crimes (just look at his ED page). So I thought that the wiki should undergo a rebrand. I need to think of names...

I had Fanon Kingdom in mind and the color of choice: Red. How does this sound? Tell me in the comments.

If I get no responses by September 10 or at least three "yes/IDK" response, then the change will proceed.

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BrownieTheAlien BrownieTheAlien 26 November 2022

So it lies here!

Yes, it has come. I have plans of adopting this dying wiki sometime between now and around June 3 (any delays will be announced), there will be some major changes going on.

  • First off, non-Geoshea ideas on other wikis (i.e., Funvasion) will be Canidates for deletion because compared to the versions here, they are massive improvements. My guess is that they have a stricter quality guidelines.
  • Secondly, I'll try my best to remove remains of Geoshea's creations (such as Gingo). While some shows and movies are staying. others (notably Paradoria).
  • And finally, the pages that are low in quality, instead of outright deleting them, I'll help in assisting them to improve.

With that out of the way, this is just a heads up.

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LixFan2005 LixFan2005 30 March 2022


Do my ideas count as false info?

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Lolcatistan Lolcatistan 25 September 2022


What is degeosheafication? To put it simply: the removal of all references to “Gingo”, “Gabriel Garza”, “Glass Ball”, and anything to do with Geoshea/Pedoshea. Or, for the CEC/SPP fans out there, the “Concept Unification” of Ficreation. See also: denazification and decommunization. Kammiesworld2013 03:21, 27 February 2022 (UTC)

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Lolcatistan Lolcatistan 25 September 2022

Project to Reclaim Ficreation

This project aims to do multiple things:

  1. Reclaim Ficreation from the “logo kids”/“Scratchpad kids” which have taken over.
  2. Try to remove as much of Geoshea/Pedoshea’s influence as possible. I won’t go into any more detail about the Geoshea drama, everyone knows what happened.
  3. Get someone (other than Wazzupguys, no offense) to adopt the wiki and become an admin/bureaucrat, therefore making sure there is someone to ban logokids and Geoshea-enablers.
  4. Make Ficreation a worthy competitor to Idea Wiki and Dream Fiction.

This is NOT A RAID; we aim to make actual fanon content articles, not randomly vandalize and get ourselves all globally-banned. Tag articles created as part of this project with the Template:Reclamation:

I hope this works, because I thin…

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BrownieTheAlien BrownieTheAlien 26 November 2022

So it's come to this.

So if you guys know, the Miraheze version of Ficreation has been closed down by the stewards (and many users went to rival wiki Funvasion, a wiki where most experienced users went to) after some extremely sinister things that the wiki's original founder (Geoshea) did a while back. Well, after several people attempted to keep the Ficreation brand alive (including some Anti-Ficreation users!) I've decided to follow suit in 4 months.

If I ever adopt the wiki, I'll try my best to distance the wiki from the stuff Geoshea did and make the wiki less of a landfill of empty ideas then it already is.

If I'm unable to do it or somebody else beats me to the punch, that's okay! This wiki desperately needs admins and quality control.

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KMFStudios KMFStudios 20 July 2021

I couldn't think of a title


The Miraheze site where the original community of this wiki went to is pretty much dead itself, because the creator, Geoshea, was revealed to be a pedophile. It was supposed to shut down on August 1st, but was closed early when I was writing this blog post.

For some reason, Wikia never took down the original Ficreation wiki, and it was quickly overrun by... ahem... undesirable users. (Some of whom are literal wiki vandals.)

"What do you plan to do?" I plan to completely rewrite (and maybe repurpose) almost all of the ar…

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Misc544 Misc544 8 April 2021

Important announcement for Fictpedia Wiki

Hello! We are near 1,000 edits. We have 986 edits, and if you want to join, JOIN! If you have a Lucky Edit badge after the Fictpedia wiki reaches 1,000 edits, I will mention you on one of my blog posts in the wiki and the main page of the wiki. The "wiki" I’m referring to is the Fictpedia Wiki at So if you want to JOIN HERE, JOIN in FICTPEDIA WIKI, please — if you want to.

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ItsTuanBao ItsTuanBao 7 January 2021

Gabriel Garza in Hotline Miami

Well, Gabriel Garza in Hotline Miami sprite, trying too hard to drew this.

For anyone would like to see it. And also, I have to do this on this Fandom version of Ficreation Wiki because I got banned from Ficreation for some obvious reason. Sorry if I have any poor grammar.

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YesSirOfCourseSir YesSirOfCourseSir 28 October 2020

The end

For those who are curious, yes, I will use the Miraheze version and create my own universe

Here is my account:

I won't annoy you as long you don't annoy me (A message for a certain person)

Not sure if I should say oof, F or coffin dance boys are gonna catch ya but at least I've said them all

If this gets deleted, I will save it on Wayback Machine

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Novusisherelol Novusisherelol 25 August 2020


Ask fandom to delet

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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 19 August 2020

My thoughts on the new Fandom layout

Hey guys, this is PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan here. I'm here to share my thoughts on the new Fandom layout. Apparently, I was gonna edit the 2018 year page to add the highest-grossing films section and wow. As they removed the Wiki Activity, looks like we now have to go to recent changes to go see edits of the pages or even search up pages.

Overall, I don't like the new Fandom layout. The main reason why is because it looks kinda lazy and nothing special to be honest.

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Cuddly Rainbow Guardian Cuddly Rainbow Guardian 11 August 2020

calling out katmakrofan's recent actions


its about time for me to call out what katmakrofan did recently.

all this happened on discord dm's and ficreation. in 2 message wall threads, i basically persuaded her to ignore trolls & shit, but then, she lashed back at me and forced me to delete her page (it has since been back up). she actually felt very sad about it and ALMOST KILLED HERSELF by attempting to starve to death (thats playing the victim card btw). then yesofcoursesir wrote tons of reasons on why katma was acting up. she believes that yesofcoursesir was trolling, when he's giving factual info. then katma was very ticked off and thought it was false information. i was also talking to pegakid2012 (pegs) in discord dm's about this also. peg…

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Novusisherelol Novusisherelol 9 July 2020


fandom thinks i am not logged in on the homepage HAHAHAHAH

lol nvm

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StarryShimmer StarryShimmer 28 June 2020

I need MAJOR help…

Can you help me on Lotus Studios and Raeburn-Rachels Productions?

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Scout Sunset Scout Sunset 19 June 2020


hi mom im on tv

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Ficreation needs to stop the deletion chain.


Many people (ThE AdMiNs, more importantly) are deleting my pages for this reason : 

"The Geo Team is my cringy old show"


Look, The Geo Team isn't cringe. And don't let people make you think that, ok?

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KBOS2004 KBOS2004 7 June 2020

starting art requests

i don't know what to draw, give me your oc's and will draw them. i might need a ref so you can dm me a pic on discord or put in the comments section

btw i now have a curiouscat so you can ask me the lewdest of questions

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KBOS2004 KBOS2004 6 June 2020

a new thing from kbos funnies

a story of corruption, power and restoration.

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OnionMastori OnionMastori 11 March 2023

What if Saban was sold to Universal instead of Disney?

I had this in mind after a few months, as you guessed from the title, than this is what this blog post is about. If Fox sold Saban to Universal instead of Disney.

On July 23, 2001, it was announced that the group would be sold to Universal Studios as part of the sale of Fox Family Worldwide/Fox Kids Worldwide by Haim Saban and News Corporation, and on October 24, 2001, the sale was completed and the group was renamed Universal Digital Entertainment. The last official program and fully produced and distributed by Saban Entertainment was Power Rangers Time Force. However, Power Rangers Wild Force was the last series created by Saban (Saban created the series and produced only pre-production, following the acquisition of Saban Entertainment an…

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KBOS2004 KBOS2004 4 June 2020

i made my wiki

go there

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Novusisherelol Novusisherelol 4 June 2020

Ficreation has a new look

Hey users of Ficreation, if you are confused why the layout changed, here's why: Geoshea wants a new look and feel of Ficreation because the old one was outdated. So we decided to redesign the wiki. Some pages may not have the new layout due to a bug.

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OnionMastori OnionMastori 11 March 2023

Something I need to say to the community

I believe I speak on behalf of everyone in Ficreation when I state how saddening the state of our world and the events going on within the United States are right now. We would like everyone to know that we stand in solidarity with the Black community in their movement against police brutality and systemic racism. The treatment of PoC communities in the U.S. and all around the world is appalling, and change is necessary in these tragic times.

We would like the members of our community to know that they are always welcome to use their voices to support that change. We will always encourage the promotion of healthy discussion within this wiki, and the server.

We understand that this is a fanon wiki, but nevertheless, we consider change to be a…

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Vladivomembrain Vladivomembrain 23 July 2020

New: Admin requirements

Hello, it's Membrain, and i'm here to announce that we now have requirements for being an admin. This has come about because I brought to Gabriel's attention that I believe that he gave the admin role too freely to people. After asking him if we should implement admin requirements, he gave me the go ahead.

  • Have an edit count of over 750. 
  • Is active on the wiki. (Inactivity of over a month may result in demotion.)
  • Good reputation towards the community. 

These rules are still subject to change.

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Koopsers Joopsers Koopsers Joopsers 1 June 2020


Only filler!

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Koopsers Joopsers Koopsers Joopsers 1 June 2020


Just testing!

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Koopsers Joopsers Koopsers Joopsers 30 May 2020



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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 3 May 2020

Developing my first fan made movie idea

I now have plans on developing my very first fanmade movie idea. MGM will be the distributor for my first fanmade movie idea and was thinking of some fantasy detective type film named Upside Mystery. Plot have not been revealed yet but will be decided soon. I would say Broken Arrow stars John Travolta and Christian Slater would star alongside Michelle Rodriguez and Jennifer Saunders with Vicky Jenson directing (since she hasn't been directing animated films for a while after Shark Tale). Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum would produce it thru Spyglass Entertainment and Starz Animation animating.

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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 1 May 2020

Our new plans in Ficreation

We are settling from what Scout Sunset/Mintbucket just said to me. As a result, I came up with our new plans on what we need to do in Ficreation:

  1. Try to work on the plots on your fanmade ideas as soon as possible.
  2. Don't make any real material articles unless it's okay that fanmade stuff are in them
  3. Don't be excessively busy with other stuff as told by Scout Sunset; you can only be busy like someday

That's our list what we need to do. Thank you for reading my blog

UPDATE: I will be continuing to make home media pages on some real films with fanon.

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Scout Sunset Scout Sunset 1 May 2020

Yeah, Ficreation sucks.

I have come to the conclusion that Ficreation is a community mostly made up of randos who'd rather care if porn was made out of their fictional ideas instead of working on plots for them, but that isn't even the surface, or not even the fucking air. I am fed up of keeping it to myself, so I'm gonna let it out! What's following are some of the stuff the community does, and the stuff I had to endure with them, at least in their Discord server.

  • 1 Ignorance
  • 2 Procrastination
  • 3 Neglect
  • 4 Conclusion

One of the big guns in their Discord server is Engelbash, and man do I can't stand this person. Alongside making the #memes channel look like some fucking joke, but his ignorance made one of the biggest dramas I had to participate in. This focused on his fict…

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IAmThe789Guy IAmThe789Guy 13 March 2020

Well, it happened.

It turns out now my spring break is extended by a week because of coronavirus. The bad news is now I have to go to school for the first week of June, so my summer is shortened.

UPDATE: Looks like not I'm not going back to school until August.

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Westelijah Westelijah 12 March 2020

Make Gingo Real

Please Make Gingo Greal Geo.G

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CouyZ (Rainbow Wisp) CouyZ (Rainbow Wisp) 11 March 2020

Another New Wiki!

Hey guys, CouyZ here, and I have officially abandoned the Paramount Fanon Wiki to make a new collaborative wiki that will.. Uh, well, the wiki's home page says it all, so I won't spoil it. Here's the link to the wiki, and this is CouyZ signing out.


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SouthParkEnthusiast02 SouthParkEnthusiast02 25 July 2022

Title suggestions for the Angry Birds spin-off project

Sometime in December of last year, a few days after I created this page, I came up with a tentative title for the film: Angry Birds: Premonition, based on an episode of Angry Birds Stella.

Do you think this is a fitting title, or would you suggest something more "enticing", per se?

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PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan PCSWtheNumber1ToadFan 3 March 2020

The depressing day in Ficreation

Man... our Ficreation wiki is getting so much depressed AF.

Looking back 2 days ago, my god... Engelbash, Mintbucket, and TekstaMembrain were arguing over his Logan & Bonnie fanmade movie idea (for example: writing the treatment at his fanmade movie). Even Engelbash thinks he can do whatever he wants. I was like BRUH. It's just their advices. And now Engelbash keeps causing drama so many times in our Discord server. Dramas are so annoying, it kinda ruined my last day of February. I also now realize that yesterday that Engelbash was the one that caused Teksta and Yung to leave. So we have no choice but to ban him from our Discord server breaking rule 11 so many times. Now he came back to create his own Discord server rather than coming back t…

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Thefunstreamer Thefunstreamer 14 February 2020


Hey. I heard that Ficreation has a Discord server, but I can't find the link. If any can provide me with one, I'll appreciate it.

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Learnedhand42 Learnedhand42 12 February 2020


Hey, everyone.

Look at this cool idea for a new Land Before Time movie:

The Land Before Time: Journey to Sharptooth Mountain (also known as The Land Before Time XV: Journey to Sharptooth Mountain) is an upcoming official direct-to-video animated family adventure feature film and the fifteenth film in The Land Before Time series. The film will be directed by Davis Doi. Like all other Land Before Time movies, it is traditionally-animated.

  • 1 Plot 
  • 2 Characters
  • 3 Cast
  • 4 Songs
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Plot
  • 7 Cast 
  • 8 Voice Cast

The story begins in the Great Valley where Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Chomper and Ruby were playing together. Later, they go on their biggest adventure along with Ali, Shorty, Rhett, Guido, Tippy, Big Daddy, Lizzie, Skitter, Rocky, Dusty, Hyp,…

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MakoFTW MakoFTW 6 February 2020

Considering some changes

I have thought about this for a while, but I've been thinking about abandoning Corus Pictures, Nelvana Montreal, and Corus Alternative, to instead have an entity called Marcus Tran Productions (that's my actual name) meant for me to write, produce, and direct any film I wish.

Here's a list of films that I would do under this new structure:

  • The Wiggles (2016)
  • Feminine Future (2017)
  • Marcus Tran (2018)
  • Vampirina: The Movie (2018)
  • Marcus Tran's Summer Vacation (2019)
  • Me and My Shadow (2019)
  • Poison Ivy (2020)
  • Nancy's Very Fancy Movie (2020)
  • Marcus Tran's Ultimatum (2021)
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2021)

What do you all think of this decision? Please let me know in the comments or on Discord. It will take me a while to make all the changes, so I may need all yo…

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